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Retired Navy Seal Craig Sawyer - TBG PODCAST EP 042


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Craig Sawyer, known as The Sawman, is a retired US Marine, as well as Navy Seal Sniper. During his deployments and subsequent duty with the Department of State, Sawyer learned of the massive human trafficking problems happening right here on US Soil.

You don’t have to be a parent to be upset by the fact that children are being trafficked by pedophiles in every town and city in the USA. This $38 billion dollar industry of human trafficking goes widely unknown and unseen, due to political and  other powerful connections. Craig aims to blow the cover of these operations, with his organization Vets for Child Rescue (V4CR) that he formed after his own daughter fell victim to a serial rapist.

His newly released documentary, Contraland, serves as a public showing of just how vast and rampant the problem really is. We urge you to watch the film and educate yourself on the signs and warnings of trafficking and baiting. V4CR and Craig have many tools that you as parents can use to help keep your family and communities safe.

All of this and a ton more on this episode of the Tactical Baby Gear® Podcast

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