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Vaughn Neville a.k.a. TheManSpot - TBG PODCAST EP 008

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Long-time friend of Tactical Baby Gear Vaughn Neville, aka @TheManspot stops by the podcast for the first time, so you know it’s going to get out of control. If you’re not familiar (and seriously, how are you not familiar?), The Man Spot is an Instagram force of nature, filling his feed with pure manly America.

The guys sit down with Vaughn to hear about his meteoric rise from door-to-door salesman to legendary influencer, and answer a few questions about parenting, how they met their wives, the death penalty (not related to how they met their wives, we should point out), keeping a marriage fresh, guns and… to be honest, once they get on guns, they kinda stay on it. But that’s what happens when The Manspot shows up.

The Man Spot on:




Meet the Spots on YOUTUBE
(behind the scenes Vlog)


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Beav:    Hey, what's up guys? Welcome to the Tactical Baby Gear Podcast. Today we have with us none other than the one and only ManSpot. In this episode we talk about all kinds of crazy things. You wanted a longer episode, we are giving you a longer episode. Again, we get into all sorts of different things, we answer lots of questions from you guys that you had for the ManSpot and we tell some funny stories, and a very little known fact about my story. So make sure you guys listen all the way through. I hope you enjoy it. Sit back, relax, enjoy the show.

Vaughn:    Dad Life

Beav:    Hey did you guys hear about the book I'm reading about anti gravity?

Vaughn:    No.

Beav:    It's impossible to put down.
Vaughn:    Badum ching. I thought we were going to get into flat world theory there for a second.

Beav:    What's up guys? We've got Mr. ManSpot with us. I call him Mr., that's what I've been telling my kids like, "Hey, Mr. ManSpot's coming. Make sure you call him Mr. ManSpot. He's probably going to laugh at you like a pirate." And they're pumped. The ManSpot, aka Vaughn. Vaughn, why don't you tell them a little bit about yourself, for the three people listening who don't know who you are.

Vaughn:    All right. Three people I assume, like three wise men.

Beav:    Okay.

Vaughn:    Well, yeah my name is Vaughn, a father of three, husband to a beautiful wife. I live in the west and I just have a passion for American history and just remembering world history in general. So I'm always trying to educate myself and just try to become better. And I guess another big thing I try to do is tell people to think outside the box of the norm that everybody was raised with, and just being able to accomplish any dream you have and not be afraid of it. And at the same time, being grateful for your country, which is enabling you to have the opportunities for whatever you desire or seek after that's good.

Beav:    Cool man, cool. I'm sure you guys have seen plenty of pictures of the ManSpot in our Instagram feed and stuff, he does a lot of videos for us and things of that nature so we are super excited to have him on. It's going to be interesting. I don't know where this is going to go so be excited.

Vaughn:    Strap up.

Beav:    Things could get weird. This could be a longer episode than most and a lot of you have asked for longer episodes like, "Can we get one longer than 30 minutes?" I think there's a chance it's going to be longer than 30 minutes.

Vaughn:    For sure.

Beav:    What's up Alex? How's it going?

Alex:    How are we doing?

Beav:    Doing all right?

Alex:    I had a fantastic breakfast.

Beav:    You guys, we just ate so much food.

Alex:    I got all the food; like what, three eggs, grits, biscuits and gravy, waffle, starting off right.

Beav:    For being the guy that's like the most in shape here, you're so fat.

Alex:    The only reason I work out at like 5 o'clock in the morning.

Vaughn:    The most in shape dad bod over there.

Alex:    Exactly.

Vaughn:    You guys got to educate the listeners. So here we are, I just flew in fromUtah last night and obviously we are in the deep South. This is the state where the civil war started so they're Southerners like, "Get down here, boy." And they took me to the greatest breakfast place ever, there were paintings of chickens everywhere. You don't get more Southern than that and there's-

Alex:    Chickens and roosters, that's all we got.

Beav:    This place was called Cahill's Market and it's like an old farm house on some farm land and they farm a lot of their own stuff and they've got tons of chickens outside, so all the eggs, like everything's fresh like right there, and likeVaughn says, it's Southern AF.

Vaughn:    Yeah, so you guys definitely undersold breakfast, okay. Here in the South, there's a few things you do right, that's moonshine and breakfast. And they even have grits out here. We don't really have grits out in Utah. No, no, we don't have all of them [inaudible 00:03:50] boy.

Beav:    So [inaudible 00:03:52].

Vaughn:    So thank you for breakfast.

Beav:    Of course.

Alex:    Yeah, so I'm on a high right now.

Beav:    You're fat and happy.

Alex:    I'm going to crash right after this.

Beav:    Good.

Alex:    From the high blood but [crosstalk 00:04:04].

Beav:    Somebody get Alex and coffee please.

Alex:    Exactly. I only had a pot at the restaurant, but keep this train rolling.

Vaughn:    Black coffee, remember. We have the agent of darkness over there, is what I'm calling Alex. He looks like a soft soul, no, agent of darkness.

Beav:    Definitely. Cool, so we've got some questions from people on Instagram. We'll get into those in a little bit, but I don't know. I got some questions of my own. I think that the audience would be interested in hearing a little bit of your backstory on how you maybe transitioned from your earlier life into current, maybe a three minute overview biography of I used to do this, now I'm doing this and I've gotten these three kids. And then we'll get into what your life is like currently.
Vaughn:    Yeah, absolutely. So I'm going to break this down real quick with my old career, and then I'll also break it down of how I came into my new career. So I'm going to shorten that up and I got three minutes.

Beav:    Whatever you want to.

Vaughn:    And go.

Beav:    Timer start.

Vaughn:    So I served a Mormon mission up in Ohio for two years and then when I came home... One of the biggest things that people do in Utah is they recruit Mormon missionaries to work and sell door to door, whether it be pest control or whether it be alarm systems. And that's exactly what I did. I got recruited by a company and started selling alarm systems, and I did that for 11 years, and every six months I would move somewhere else and sell alarm systems. So I did Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, Louisiana, Tennessee. So pretty good chunk of the Southern belt, just not the best part, which is, South Carolina.
Vaughn:    So that's where I grew a deep appreciation for American history, because I was there. I was right where these historic events happened, whether it be on the battlefield or whether it be just darker times of American history. Because there would be like the slave trading markets in Mississippi. I was like, wow, just trying to imagine that history happening right where I was standing back in the day, it was just phenomenal to me. We'll fast forward. I met my wife in Mississippi. She was working for the same company and-

Beav:    She worked there too?

Vaughn:    Yeah.

Beav:    I didn't know that. That's the little nugget I... There's something else about wife's but I know that I won't...

Vaughn:    She hates when I say this, but I stole her from another guy. I just swooped on in.

Beav:    Mine.

Vaughn:    I did the ultimate close, being a salesman. We moved back to Utah, and fast forward another two, three years and boom, married, kid on the way, and boom, we're back selling in Texas. It was the second year that I had my little boy that I was like, “Man, I'm not spending any time with my boy. Not spending any time at all.” Long story short, boom, I had Instagram going for about a year and then I was making some extra money on the side, just from deals and whatnot.

Beav:    On Instagram?

Vaughn:    On Instagram, yeah. For people who don't know, how do you get paid from Instagram? Instagram doesn't pay you. Pretty much the best way to describe it is every channel on Instagram is in essence, could be like its own digital magazine. When people pay these influencers, it's like you're pretty much paying for an advertise spot.

Beav:    It's brand deals.

Vaughn:    Exactly. You guys have probably gone over that, but I'm just-

Beav:    We haven't.

Vaughn:    Brief history. Okay.

Beav:    Not on this podcast.

Vaughn:    Okay, got you. Well so from that I had a few side deals going on, and I told my wife flat out, I was like, “Listen, I can, if I do this full time I think I can make it.” I was like, “I can't make it unless I have your support.” She's like, “Okay, I'll give you my support.” Boom, moved from Texas mid-summer, went home. It was tough. This is the part of Instagram that people don't see, but it's like, yeah, I lived on credit cards for six to eight months. Until I built my brand and my deals enough to where it was like boom, pay everything off, and just launch the business, hire some employees, get a location. It was a lot of tough work. A lot of unknown work, because a lot of people that have-

Beav:    It's like the Wild Wild West though, there's a lot of unknown about what you're doing. Even for you, you're like, all right, how do I structure this? What's the best way? It's a lot of figuring out.

Vaughn:    Yeah, and that's exactly what it was, figuring it out, and then just continually making content. That was my biggest, biggest thing was making content. Now I'm a full time content creator. I love what I do because I work with people that I want to work with, that have the same mindset, that have the same drive and they're just keeping up with the same speed that I'm going. It's just good people, you don't have to do... Because in so many businesses you have to do business with people, you're just like, oh. But with what I do, it's who I choose to do business with. That's what I love most about it, because even if I wasn't out here working with you guys, it's just like, hey man, let's go to the river. Let's go to a good breakfast place.

Beav:    Its drinks from Yuengling.

Vaughn:    Yes. Which we don't get the oldest, which is unAmerican, we do not get the oldest brewery made beer in Utah.

Beav:    Not west of the Mississ-

Alex:    Doesn't your beer have to be a lower alcohol content as well?

Vaughn:    It does.

Beav:    What? You still live there?

Vaughn:    Yes.

Alex:    I get to drink two to your one.

Vaughn:    Exactly, so double trouble.

Alex:    When I have 10 beers, I really had five.

Vaughn:    My wife wonders why I drink harder alcohol so much.

Alex:    Diluting down my whiskey.

Beav:    That's crazy. If you guys aren't familiar with The ManSpot, he's got roughly half a million followers on Instagram. He creates a bunch of ridiculous videos. Many, many have gone very viral. Most people consider all of your videos viral because they have hundreds of thousands of views, but you've got some videos that have millions and millions and millions of views. Most recently the crazy cop when you get pulled over, he pulls guns out for five minutes showing this cop, "You want to see more?" That's working on 12 million views on Facebook currently. So anyways, that's if you aren't familiar with who he is and what he does, that's what he's referring to with this content creator and full-time Instagram as an influencer. How was that transition from knocking door to door to being full time content creator, while having a child and then a second child and then a third child? Has it been wild?

Vaughn:    Yeah, it's been very wild. The biggest motivator for me to actually get a new career, is because when I came home, the hours of when we sell are just asinine. I'd be working from like 9:00 AM sometimes, 7:00 pending on if I needed to do anything else extra for the office, because I was one of the oldest employees of the company. I wouldn't get home until 10:30, 11 o'clock at night. By the time I wanted to spend time with my wife and my little baby, I was like, I'm missing his childhood within these next six months. I'm going to be working and grinding, and what is it all for? What am I doing? The reason we work so hard is to help our families but if I'm never spending time with my family, it's-

Beav:    It's irrelevant.

Vaughn:    Yeah, and who's raising my boy? What man figure is in his life? For my wife, it's just like, she's awesome. She's a boss. But at the same time, every child needs to have that male role model in their life. That's ultimately what it was to me. I have my kids and I want to spend time with my kids. Working I just realized I wasn't going to be able to have both. That was the big motivator for me was I'm going to do something different, and there is no option to fail. Using my skills from door to door sales, just being business savvy. When you knock on somebody's door and they're looking at you for the first time, first impressions are just everything. You have to be well-spoken-

Beav:    You didn't quite look the way you look now.

Vaughn:    No, not at all. No beard, no tattoos, clean cut hair. I had hair, [inaudible 00:12:27] because I wear hats all the time now. Now I'm doing everything I couldn't for the past 11 years, because I had to be in that just perfect, pristine, professional sense. Anybody knocking on your door, you're just like, okay snake salesman, snake oil salesman. I used my skills that I learned from there just about knowing how to talk to people, knowing how to read people. Also, I think some of it was also comedy, because when I'm selling somebody at the table in their home, I have to read their personality. Look around, see what they like, see their interests, and then realize timing with humor is everything. If the timing isn't there, you're not going to get the badum tish.

Beav:    The humor is what takes their guard down. When you crack a joke and it's like, okay everyone relaxed, it disarms them a little bit, and then you are able to penetrate a little bit.
Vaughn:    Yeah, so here's different types of salesmen. Some people are the logical salesmen where it's just facts, facts, facts, facts; you need this or you're an idiot. Me, I was the I trust you salesman. People liked me. I attribute that to the humor that I was able to bring them. They're like, “I like this guy. He's like my cousin Eddie. I like this guy over here.” It's just one of those things where you just find that common ground. That is what has really helped me in my future business dealings, and knowing who I want to do business with and also knowing the smartest way to go about good business.
Beav:    That's cool. Here's another one. Isn't told often by a lot of people and even yourself is how the whole ManSpot Instagram channel came to be. How it was just like you wanted to start a page that wasn't pictures of food and all the typical Instagram stuff from back in the day. You were like, “I just want a page with cool guy stuff.” It was just like a fun page. It wasn't something you intended to be what it is now.

Vaughn:    No, not at all. I dabbled, this is another thing that a lot of people don't know. In between working my job of 11 years, I guess eight years of it. I would go and sell for six months and then I would come home. Home was my parents' basement. I was living in my parents' basement forever, so when I moved out of my-

Beav:    You were that guy.

Vaughn:    Yeah, I was that guy. 27 years old, moving out of my parents' basement man. My parents were like, “Don't go.” I'm the last one of six. Six kids in the family I'm the last one to go. My parents like, no. I was just something always going on. When I was in my parents' basement, I did attempt to make a YouTube channel, because I was like, what else am I doing besides playing Warcraft? Not World of Warcraft let's not get that wrong. I could not break away from World of Warcraft three. World of Warcraft three that's how long it's been since I played the game, so that's a good thing. I used to just play video games, try to go to college and live in my parents' basement.
Vaughn:    I attempted to make a YouTube page at the time. It didn't pan out, but I always had that drive to create content. Even when I was small, my dad they didn't have a lot of money, but he did manage to get the boys a video camera, just a little JVC, not little, it was two bricks. But he flat out was just like, yeah, I'm going to let them take it, and just do whatever they want with it. My parents couldn't afford water parks, Disney world, they couldn't afford vacations or anything, but we had this camera. I mainly took it over with my brothers, and I was always just making stupid little skits, stupid little shenanigans.

Beav:    Home videos and stuff.

Vaughn:    Exactly. That developed my creativity in a sense. Even in high school I would take this piece of crap camera, and try to make videos with projects and stuff like that. That creation side just stuck with me, hence I tried to make a YouTube channel, failed, crashed. Then when I met my wife, she's more tech savvy than I am. Facebook was big and everybody was like commenting, rough day, bad day, this that. I was just like, I don't want to know if you had a bad day because somebody took your parking spot. Don't care. I was like, I'm going to delete Facebook. I'm just sick of this. She was like, “Well, why don't you get Instagram?” I was like, “What's Instagram?” No idea. She's like, “You just scroll and it just shows pictures of things you like. No captions.”

Beav:    Stuff that you want to see.

Vaughn:    I was like, "Oh, that's cool." Boom, she made a page for me, and then I started posting guns, trucks, that type of stuff. Then I had two people say, “You like to brag, don't you?” I was like, brag? I'm just showing what I like, what I'm proud of and stuff like that. Then I was like, screw this, I'm going to make a brand new Instagram page. If you're not my friend, I don't care. You don't have to follow, this is just for me and my hobbies. I was like, maybe I'll find some like minded people. I was like the man place, the man corner, and I was like, well I want this to be like a digital place for men, like a Target for men, just manly and complete opposite. Wham bam, I was like TheManSpot, boom, nobody's taken that. Literally I chose TheManSpot as a place for a man to go and that's his spot to be proud of just cool rustic shit. Can I say that?

Beav:    Yeah, you can say that.

Vaughn:    Okay, cool. That's how it started, I had no-

Beav:    It's like a man cave, a digital man cave.

Vaughn:    I had no idea that people would actually call me ManSpot. That didn't even like [crosstalk 00:17:55].

Alex:    When was the first time that that happened? You were at like an airport or something?

Vaughn:    Yeah, I was at an airport and then there were some other social media influencers who were there, were like, "ManSpot, hey." I was like, “That's the name of my page. That's not me.”

Beav:    My name's Vaughn by the way.

Vaughn:    Yeah, hello. That's literally how the Instagram page started. I literally was living in Texas at the time. I was just like, you know what I learned about the Alamo, just good rustic Texas history. That's where my personal relationship of my patriotism came from. I always say patriotism is your own relationship to your country. I really started to develop my relationship through history. I would start posting just the old American values, traditional values, how it used to be, how people used to be raised, how I was raised. It's just your work ethic that's going to get you through anything given to you. You're not going to appreciate it the same way unless you earn it yourself.
Vaughn:    Those were the type of values I instilled within my Instagram as well as family values, my wife, guns, America trucks. Everything cool, Americano, rustic. I just started getting traction, and so many people just started following because it was something new. That's when everybody probably recognizes the whole patriotic wave started taking place, just within. A lot of things came in to be, because we've been at war the longest time in American history, ever since 9/11. You get all these veterans coming home and bringing that patriotism and that spirit back to America. It was just the perfect timing. Then when I started making, because it was 15 second videos...

Beav:    When they initially launched video, because they didn't have video initially.

Vaughn:    Exactly.

Beav:    You were like, "Oh, I can do video."

Vaughn:    I was like, wow. I was like, “I'm just going to bring my old YouTube childhood shenanigans into this for 15 seconds.” I packed so much into a 15 second clip, people were like, "What did I just watch?" It was like, boom. Their minds were blown because I put so much effort into a 15 second video.

Beav:    With a full storyline.

Vaughn:    Mm-hmm (affirmative). Exactly, and that's what-

Alex:    Have you tried to go back and do that today?

Beav:    It's so hard to do 15 seconds now.

Vaughn:    Exactly.

Alex:    Even though you've got as long as you want, could you do like a throw back and try to create like-

Vaughn:    Well, because another thing if you remember at the time was Vine. Vine was huge at that time, which I did maybe a dozen videos on Vine but I saw these Viners that had millions of views and followers. I'm just like, dang. What was that, that was seven seconds?

Beav:    Yeah.

Alex:    That's incredible.

Vaughn:    I was like that's crazy. I was like, well, 15 seconds doubles the seven seconds, so that's what I was like I can fit a story. If people can fit a story line in seven seconds, I can do one in 15. That's what caught the attention of Evan Hafer, the owner of Black Rifle Coffee. Literally meeting with him, it was just coincidental. He was in Utah and he called me into his office. I told my wife, I was like, “This guy from Black Rifle Coffee hit me up.” She's like, “Where are you going?” I was like, “I think a coffee shop, I mean it's Black Rifle Coffee.” I roll in and it's this industrial building and I'm like, what the hell? I go in and he's literally sharing an office warehouse with a lawn mower repair shop. Wee hit it off. Content was Evans name of the game, and that's what started our relationship off and in that sense. Then I started working with other companies like Patriot Alliance, and just took it from there.

Beav:    Dude I love hearing the early stories of people like that, because those are the stories that are forgotten about, you know what I mean? Especially with Evan and Black Rifle. That really started, correct me if I'm wrong, but when they were Article 15 or it's still article 15, but they did a coffee for Article 15 that really took popularity. People were like, "Oh, this is awesome." I think they called it Black Rifle. Then they have a blend that they did for Article 15, it became real popular. And they were like, "Oh man, people are really into this coffee thing."

Vaughn:    Evan said, “Hey guys, you guys have your t-shirts, you have your whiskey, you got the podcast,” Evan obviously was a part of the podcast. He was just like, “Let me take the coffee.” They were like, cool, bro, take it go.

Beav:    He's a coffee geek.

Vaughn:    Yeah, always has been.

Alex:    Wasn't he grinding and roasting overseas when he was deployed?

Vaughn:    Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Beav:    Overseas, deployed. Yeah.

Vaughn:    He thought of a way of communion with the guys. It's like a religion for Evan in a sense, because it's connecting people. It's just appreciating, being in the hellish circumstances at the world, which we can't even imagine just a small joy of just having a good blend of roasted coffee. He brought that to the public.

Beav:    It's taken off. They've put an immense amount of work into it. They've been very smart about it. They've built an amazing community around content, and all that stuff. But I just love the early stories. I think that it's important for a lot of people to know, because there's a lot of struggling parents watching this that are trying to figure out how to make some extra money, or are discouraged because they think they'll never get there or whatever. I want everybody listening and watching to know that if you put in the work, and you're halfway thoughtful about it, and you just keep going, eventually it works. It's the same thing with your Instagram.

Beav:    You started with nothing. It got to like 60,000 followers and you're like, I'm going to go online screw it. You bet it all risked it all, lived off of credit cards to make it happen, and now here you are with some success. It's working. It's all these things, and it's only getting better. It's the same thing for us even with Tactical Baby Gear. I started this while I was running another business. I was shipping bags out of my living room and my garage and all this stuff for years, then I teamed up with Alex, and here we are several years later a nice little successful company. If you put in the work and you keep going and you don't quit, it'll work out for you.

Vaughn:    Absolutely. That's just the way it is too. It's also recognizing timing as well. That's exactly what Evan did from Black Rifle Coffee is he saw the stats. He saw the numbers of the t-shirts, the whiskey, and then he saw coffee. The coffee was just blowing up. He literally told everybody, what is it on Anchorman when he's like, “It was team assemble.” Evan had that moment, and he told-

Beav:    We've got to get everybody together.

Vaughn:    Everyone, move to Utah, this is where we're going to put everything and then Black Rifle Coffee, so that's when Matt, JT, Rocco, that's when they all boom, moved to Utah, because that's where they were all going to put their focus, because it was doing so much better than all their other businesses combined. Because those guys are just entrepreneurs, crazy entrepreneurs. They have so many businesses. They work and they hustle, but Black Rifle Coffee was the one that was taking off the most, and that's where they're like, "We're going to put more effort into this, so everybody come to Utah and let's make this happen".

Beav:    Then they did and got everyone there, and now they've moved down to Texas. They still have a presence in Utah.

Vaughn:    They still have a big warehouse fulfillment center there. I think they've got like four other fulfillment centers.

Beav:    Tennessee and-

Vaughn:    Tennessee, Texas and maybe Vegas, could be wrong but...

Beav:    Good for them though.

Vaughn:    Yeah, it's awesome.

Beav:    Good for them. They're doing really cool stuff. We've done some things in conjunction with them, and we're always proud to work with them in any capacity because we're doing cool stuff for sure.

Vaughn:    It just goes back to working with the same people at the same level that you're going.

Beav:    Yeah, definitely. What else? I feel like I had so many thoughts and questions. All right, well, while I'm trying to think of something, let's answer one from the community here. Let's see. All right, here's one from RichSmith1590. He asks, which one is easier to raise boys or girls?

Vaughn:    Boys obviously, I'm going to say that.

Beav:    You've got two boys. Rose is so young still, you haven't really experienced the whole raising. How old is she now?
Vaughn:    She's going to be a year in July. We're creeping up on a year. 22 months. They always say the months of ages. She's almost a year. Right now I can say yeah, boys is easier, because with girls you got the bows, you got the dresses, you got the pants, you got the shoes, you got so many accessories doll wise.

Beav:    You're trying to say girls are high maintenance?

Vaughn:    Yes, exactly. Dolling up your daughter.

Beav:    I can agree with that.
Vaughn:    With the boys it's like pants or no pants.
Alex:    Pants optional.
Beav:    Do you at least have a diaper on? Because I don't really want to clean my carpet.
Vaughn:    Exactly. For me so far two boys are a hassle but expense wise, it's been less expensive for the boys so far. I only have one daughter.

Beav:    Would you agree with that you think? It's so funny because we're all on different stages of life with our kids. I've got girls, he's got boys, you've got a girl and boys. Everyone's at different ages so it's hard to say Rich. I think it's a case by case basis to be honest with you because I got two girls but one of them is way easier than the other.

Alex:    It depends on the kid's personality.

Vaughn:    It's such a different time now because you have so many people out there who are like, “My dog is my baby," and they spend so much money on their dog. It's literally like, yeah that is your baby, because you spend as much money on it but wait till you have a real baby.

Beav:    Yeah, for sure. Sorry rich, I don't have the best answer for you on that but ManSpot says boys.

Vaughn:    Boys.

Beav:    Is there a trick to having boys or is it like... Because I keep having these girls and my wife-

Vaughn:    You've got to grow your beard out bro.

Beav:    My wife wants a third child and she's like, I'm like, “Maybe I can have a boy,” and she's like, “We could have a girl.” I'm like, “Brandy, your sales pitch sucks.”
Vaughn:    I will tell you this because I did my own type of research and whatnot. Not even when I was looking to have any kids. This was pre meeting WifeSpot. But I did read this big segment on frozen foods are extremely bad for men, because of all the estrogen within those frozen precooked meals. There's just natural estrogen I guess in those meals, and it makes it so you're not as likely to have a male to carry on the family name.

Beav:    No more Digiorno pizzas for me. [Crosstalk 00:28:30]

Vaughn:    Afraid so, my friend. After you get the boy.

Alex:    Maybe that's a conversation you need to have with Mo's.

Beav:    Yeah, I need more Mo's in my life.

Vaughn:    More natural foods. Obviously that's what everybody says about everything but it's just in the world in which we live.

Beav:    It's one of those superstitions or wive's tales.
Vaughn:    Do you do your research on that. It may have changed, but I did read that one time.

Beav:    Well if it was on the internet, it's true.

Vaughn:    Absolutely. This was back on my Blackberry phone too. It was struggling to scroll to continue the article loading it.

Beav:    The little track wheel wasn't working?

Vaughn:    Yup.
Alex:    I think it just depends on the kid.

Beav:    I don't know how to pronounce this guy's name. I butcher these all the time. [inaudible 00:29:21] LW, I'm sorry dude, I really screwed that up. Any suggestions on how to raise a strong ass kicker feminine girl?

Vaughn:    Yeah, absolutely. Me, anytime I'm going out with my little girl, I'm just like, “Hey, let's put her in some camo black pants.” Rebel daddy. You can start it off with, I named my baby girl Rebel so I guess from the start she's already got a chip on her shoulder.

Beav:    I don't treat my girls always like girls, and I think a lot of it too is just personality. My oldest daughter, I would refer to more as a tomboy. She's more athletic. She wants to go outside and dribble the basketball, and doing gymnastics and all stuff. My younger daughter, she just wants to live her life in a princess dress. She's not going to be this ass kicker. She just isn't.

Vaughn:    Which I think is great though. I think to really answer that is your kids need a good diverse, and it just goes back to having a male role model in their life and a female role model. Mom and dad. If people don't have a dad, an uncle, brother, they just have to have something. Their grandpa, they just have to have something there to split it up. If they do want to be a princess, who are they going to go to for the prince or the king or whatever?

Beav:    Being a role model in like, and I've said this before and I'm sure that I probably saw it somewhere, which is why I said it. But it's like, be the man you want your daughter to marry. Be a role model, be an example. Treat your wife the way you want another man to treat your daughter, so that they have expectations of what that looks like, and all that stuff. I think just raising an ass kicker daughter, just like-

Vaughn:    Be there for your daughter. Literally. For me if it's like, can I make more money or should I spend more time with my kids? I always try to spend more time with my kids.

Beav:    I think a lot of it too is just supporting whatever they want to do. You can't force that. If that's not their DNA, their makeup of being this tough ass kicker, don't force it on them. They can learn not to take shit from people.

Vaughn:    Obviously my daughter can't spend time with me in this aspect, but if you're working on cars and your little girl wants to come spend time with dad, they know, hey, we're going to be under a car. We're going to be doing something different than being a princess, being in the female world or doing makeup. This is where dad is. I think them doing that, when they're like, “I just want to spend time with dad, whatever he's doing.” They're going to get that kickassery of just hanging out with dad.

Alex:    What's your take then too on, I guess you can talk on this, on the daughter who wants to do let's call it just stereotypical tea time and dress up as a princess, are you the guy that goes in there and plays with her just to be that role model as well?

Beav:    Yeah, of course. Support that 100%, but a lot of it too is exposing them to as many things as possible. Because she might like that now, but then you expose them to something else that they realize they love even more. Then all of a sudden they don't care about tea time and princess, they're more interested in art or something else. It's exposing them to a lot of things and then supporting whatever they're into.

Vaughn:    I'd say that's a big thing within my channel and platform. Because I used to question myself of posting things with my kids, posting family life. But there is a huge demographic of people out there who love that. They didn't see a different way to raise your kids or be involved with your kids because their dad just wasn't that way. When they see me chasing Littles around on my stories, they're just like, that is so cool that you're playing with your kids. That's why I watch what you do. I had no idea. I thought I may have just been annoying. But seeing how people raise their kids in a different way really enlightens them, it inspires them and it shows them a different way that they-

Beav:    Big time. There's huge stereotypes about that, you know what I mean? Or people frown upon, you shouldn't do that with your kids, but then you see someone else that's doing it, you're like, this is okay. I'm not the only one. It makes you realize that there's other people out there with the same mindset of raising their kids the same way, and that you're not alone things of that nature.

Vaughn:    I think a big part of it is don't be afraid of what other people think. I mean yesterday I'm at the grocery store getting donuts with Mr. Littles my oldest, and I'm literally doing a Gene Kelly tap dance with him as we got donuts. People gave me weird looks. I didn't even look back at them because I'm like, I don't care what you think. I care about my world right here. I was having a good moment and memory, getting donuts and being happy, doing our happy Gene Kelly tap dance. It's just little things like that. I think that's what kids love, is when you get on their level of being silly, but it's just like it's okay to really open up your mind and use your imagination.

Alex:    There'll be plenty of time to have to conform in a business setting to some extent, but they're kids.

Vaughn:    Exactly. That's why I say always dress up with your kids, be silly, be the bad guy. Sometimes my bad guy is a little more dark than my nice guy. Dad play with me and I play them like, “Okay, we're going to throw them off the cliff.” He's like, “No daddy.” I'm just like, “Sorry, I don't like your color of shirt.” I'm trying to play GI Joe and he's trying to play like Care Bears.

Beav:    You know what, to that point though, being the bad guy, I think that's a super important thing of like, you don't have to be your kid's best friend. There's a time to be like buddy, buddy and play with your kids. There's also a time to be a parent, and tell them no and you can't do that and that's not right, and that's not acceptable. All those things too. There are a lot of people I think spend a lot of time trying to be their kids' best friend, which it has its time and place I think. I feel like then that doesn't really gain you a lot of respect in the long-term, because they feel like, I feel like when you reprimand your kid for something, they have a lot of respect for you after that. I have an amazing relationship with my parents, but they're also the ones that were like, whoop him on the butt if I did something wrong, and that put the fear of God.

Vaughn:    This is where we break it down. Our parents are always like, well my parents did this and that. Then you talk to their parents, my parents did this and that. The punishment and raising has gotten lighter, lighter and lighter and lighter. You always appreciate, man I'm so happy my parents were hard on me. But when you look at so many parents now, because my sister, perfect example. Her raising her boy, I was 17 when she had her boy. She'd coddle him, wouldn't ever reprimand him in any way, shape, or form. I remember being 17 and I'm like, “You're not going to spank your boy?” I'm just like, are you kidding me? We got our asses beat.

Beav:    Travis sitting over there, my mom broke a wooden spoon over his butt a few times. Mom didn't mess around.

Vaughn:    That's the thing is, would your wife bust out the wooden spoon?

Beav:    Absolutely not.

Vaughn:    See that's the different of raising. When you think about that, you're just like, the evolution of raising our kids is changing so much. No wonder there're so many problems in the world today.

Beav:    There's a lack of respect. It's crazy.

Vaughn:    We interpret it like I love my kid. I'd never hurt them. It's just like, no, you need not hurt, that's the wrong word.

Beav:    It's reprimand.

Vaughn:    It's reprimanding.

Beav:    Whatever it is, if it's yelling at them, if it's a smack on the butt. I think spanking is perfectly fine.

Vaughn:    Yeah, I spank my boy.

Alex:    Age appropriate.

Beav:    There's a difference between spanking and beating. You hear stories like man, the belt.

Vaughn:    Or the book.

Beav:    Who's doing any of that anymore?

Vaughn:    Exactly.

Beav:    If you do, somebody's in big trouble and all this stuff.

Vaughn:    Even my wife, because my boy is four years old now. We were outside and he did something just bad. I just walked over to him and he was laying on the ground. I just grabbed him right above the ankle, lifted him straight up, and he's heavy. My wife was like damn. Then I carried him inside, put him in the couch. Yeah, it was excessive, but at the same time, my boy is like, “I'm never going to do that again. That pissed dad off so bad.”

Beav:    You set an example, they know the boundaries and then its like, do I need to spank you? They're like, no, I'm good. Everything's cool.

Vaughn:    That's why you see so many kids running tantrums in Walmart and everywhere, is just because they're not being reprimanded in any way, shape or form. That shows the parents like, I don't want to beat him, he's so bad. It's just like, no, this starts off with the parent. Your boy wouldn't be bad. I think it's the next level of love of what you realize you have to do to be a parent. That's discipline. We should be teaching classes about discipline, and how to be a parent. There's all these classes about dogs. How to make your dog good, but we don't have classes about kids. To me that's just back ass words.

Beav:    Bass ackwards?

Vaughn:    Yeah, thank you.

Alex:    An Alex-ism right there.

Beav:    Yeah, right. Add it to the list. It's crazy. I was thinking about this not too long ago and I want to ask you the same question. What were some of the things like threats from your parents if you had any that you're like yeah. When you got that threat from your parents, like, I'm cool, I'm good, nope never mind, I'm straight.

Vaughn:    Ours was seasonal. Wintertime it was like, you're going to go get wood at the woodpile. I was like no. I grew up in Idaho, cold as ball. Not a lot of money so the way we kept warm was a stove fireplace. Going to get wood, we'd have to walk, it wasn't too far, maybe like 75 yards or so to the woodpile, but on a sled. You'd have to load the sled and then drag it back, put it up on the deck, stack it, and then go back. If they brought out the threat of you got to go to the woodpile, you're like hell no.

Beav:    All right, I'll clean my room.

Vaughn:    Done.

Beav:    There's things that I can remember my parents saying, where it's like you're in a restaurant or a public place and they're like, “Do I need to take you to the bathroom?” You're like, "Oh God." They can't hear you scream from the bathroom.

Alex:    It's muffled in the bathroom.

Vaughn:    There ain't no help in the brick walls.

Beav:    Or like we all got our mounts washed out with soap and stuff like that. Nobody's doing that anymore. I'm going to bring it back.

Alex:    Bring back with my all natural soap now so you can't get a-

Vaughn:    We're all grateful for that because there's people out there listening to that and they're like, my parents never did that. I never got that. At the same time, are they happy or do they regret it? In one sense I think they're just like, wow, I wish my parents were more hard ass. Now I think people are having to redefine parenthood. It goes back to my stories. People are seeing parenthood through a different way through my life. I think a lot of people are redefining and actually establishing themselves what type of a father or a parent they're going to be, or what they need to do because their parents didn't do it. I think we all find that in different aspects of our life. My dad, great dad, but he didn't raise an entrepreneur. I don't blame him for that. He was working on a farm. He was just happy to graduate college. That was a huge achievement for his family. Where their status was is just like sheep farmers, potato farmers, and now he's-

Beav:    One of the early people to do college.

Vaughn:    I don't blame my dad in that regard because he was just like graduated college, get a good job. Didn't raise an entrepreneur, that wasn't a priority, and he didn't know how. You can attribute that to yeah, even though your parents may not have been very disciplinary, maybe they raised an entrepreneur so I think there's different levels that-

Beav:    There's give and take yeah, on all that stuff.

Vaughn:    Exactly.

Beav:    Alex, you got any thoughts on any of that?

Vaughn:    Yeah Alex, what do you do to your kids?

Alex:    Time out, man. Three minutes in a closet, shut the door. You can come out when you stop crying.

Vaughn:    You savage, you.

Alex:    Again, it's just age appropriate.

Vaughn:    That's an agent of darkness over there. Put them in a dark closet.

Beav:    He turns the light on.

Vaughn:    That's nice.

Alex:    No, I don't. The oldest just turned three. You can't really reason with them to some extent. It's not like you can have this rational conversation with them if they're just tantruming or anything else. It's like mom and dad love you. This is what you did wrong. You're going to go to time out. You're going to come out in three minutes and we'll talk about this again. If we need to take it up a... I'm not against spanking if it's necessary but that's what we do right now just on the age level that they're at, it's if they do something-

Beav:    It is constantly changing, right? You're not going to spank Rebel, she's not even a year old.

Vaughn:    Yeah, exactly.

Alex:    That's what we do and it seems to be pretty efficient right now.

Vaughn:    That's good.

Beav:    Well you get [inaudible 00:42:13] that respect.

Alex:    Because it's consistency. The wife coming from the background of teacher and everything else, she just drops the hammer. It's like, here's rule, you break rule, you go to time out. I'll come home and I'll be like, “How was your day?" Like, "Oh, Nico had to go to time out.” I'm like, “Well, what did Nico do?" "Nico didn't listen to the rules." "Oh, what did you do?” It's just following through with it. You've got to follow through.

Beav:    The consistency is huge because there has to be communication between mom and dad about how we deal with X, Y or Z. I told them they can't do this. They did that. This is how we're going to deal with it. You both have to be on the same page. Because if he gets away with mom but doesn't get away with it with dad, that becomes a problem. It doesn't always work and it's not always perfect, because there's always things that slip through the crack.

Vaughn:    Good cop bad cop.

Beav:    It just happens, that's just life but knowing that you need to have it-

Alex:    More often than not.

Beav:    Yeah, have that consistency of like they know that if they do this, this is the consequence. Everybody needs to enforce that rule.

Vaughn:    It just goes right back to if one of the parents doesn't stay on the same page, and I think that's a conversation both parents have to have. We've had times where Littles will come to me and he'll be like, “Dad, this and that.” I'm just like, "No." He's like, "Damn it!"

Beav:    Then he goes to mom.

Vaughn:    Yup. He goes to mom, "Damn it!" Since we're both on the same page, he realizes, okay, they made the law. That's where the line is drawn. Kids are always trying to push the envelope. Always.

Beav:    We had to learn that the hard way. Because you don't think about it until they pull one over on you, and you're like, all right. Now it's almost a thing in our house where the girls want to sleep in the same bed together on a weekend or something, like, “Hey can I sleep in Kendall's room or whatever?” We let that happen a couple of times. But then that just screws up sleeping patterns. Then this one doesn't want to sleep in their room ever anymore, and then this and that. It's like, okay, no. But the first few times I was like, yeah, it's Friday night, whatever I don't care.

Beav:    Then Brandy will come to me and she'd be like, “I told them no.” I'm like, crap. Then it's like, now what do you do? Go tell them no? Then that creates a whole, so then it's like choose the battle. Do I tell them no and fight with them the rest of this Friday night that everything's smooth and they're playing together and they just to sleep in the room and do their thing, and I have a nice quiet Friday night. Or do I tell them no and hear about this for the next five hours of screaming and crying and hate my life. It's like, what do I do? Then it's like, all right, next time. Then it's like, “Hey, can we sleep in their room together?” It's like, well, what'd your mom say? Or what did dad say? That's always the first question now.

Beav:    Instead of yes or no, it's like, well, what did they say? I haven't asked them yet. Let me go talk to mom, give me a minute. It's always a learning curve to like, all right, now they're smarter than me. How do I outsmart them? Or like when you get to the point and you're probably almost there. There's a time where you're trying to explain something between mom and dad, and you have to spell out words so that they don't know that you want to take a trip to Disney and you don't want to ruin a surprise. Or something about Santa or whatever the case is. You're like you got to spell it out. But then they get smart enough to know what you're spelling, and you're like, all right, now what's the secret language? How do I deal with this?

Vaughn:    Text. Text the wife.

Beav:    Well now Cameron gets into my phone, and she'll start texting my wife. I'm like God, now I've got to be careful about what I text my wife, because now my daughter's in my text messages, this is going to get sketchy. Now I'm like, “Give me my phone back. What are you doing?” But as they get older, it gets crazier to deal with and they start outsmarting you, and then you've got to come up with a new plan.

Vaughn:    It's just that discipline. With discipline, I'll bring up my grandpa. I remember, because there is a huge difference of age with my dad and his two older brothers, so 17 or 18 years. My dad was a huge whoops. My grandpa was so old, he used to be in the US Calvary, so he would ride a horse.

Beav:    That's like back when they had dinosaurs I think.

Vaughn:    Literally, man. Literally. I do have these early-

Alex:    Thank him for fire.

Vaughn:    Exactly. I have these vivid memories of when I was little going over to grandpa's house, and if I did something wrong, it was like the ear pinch. I'd be like, “Grandpa's mean.” But guess what? I listened to everything grandpa said. He was also really old school. He'd give us like these silver coins if we were good, and it was just like, man money I want a silver coin. My dad's like, “Don't spend that.” Silver coin. I think it just goes back to the level. My dad, I'm just like, man. Because he was pretty much raised by his grandparents, because that's the age difference that they were in. His level of just being raised is to a whole new level that we don't even know. But I do remember my grandpa's, he was very like if you didn't listen to grandpa it was like death. We were just definitely afraid of him. Probably because he was also old and he had the bony fingers, and he was in the Calvary. But I think it just goes back to just that old school mentality.

Beav:    It's like we get softer generation by generation by generation.

Vaughn:    Because this could be its own podcast within itself of like child labor laws, because kids used to go to work in factories at four years old.

Alex:    Which is mind blowing.

Vaughn:    Because you see these old pictures of kids five years old with a cigarette in their mouth, and they're just right by a coal mine. You're just like, that kid is more hard than me.

Beav:    I feel like I saw a funny meme about that recently. Something to that effect, about how hard somebody is or something. I wish I could find that. I wish I knew where that was, because it was funny.
Vaughn:    I think it is great for everybody just to reflect on that, because you don't learn about stuff like that in school.

Beav:    This is the stuff that nobody's talking about. It's like this taboo. You just raise your kids. It's like no one really talks about it.
Vaughn:    Because it used to be a village. Even with us growing up, when we'd go in the neighborhood, “Hey Betty, have you seen my boys?" "Oh yes, on down the gas station.” "Oh, okay."

Beav:    It's funny because I had a neighbor named Betty that we were always at her house. That's funny.

Vaughn:    Everybody knew where everybody was. But now it's just like neighbors. This is our castle, no. It's just like society.

Beav:    Times have changed man, it's crazy stuff. Crazy, crazy stuff.
Vaughn:    Next.
Beav:    Mike Pantos, this is funny. What advice do you have for young single men looking to meet the right patriotic gal?
Vaughn:    I've got some good stories about this one Mike.
Beav:    Do you?

Vaughn:    All right Mike, you obviously know my Instagram page. Well, I will tell you there have been two different instances where people have found their spouse through my page. I guess that you could say my page is a dating app for Patriots.

Beav:    ManSpot's dating page.

Vaughn:    That's no joke.

Beav:    That's the device. Go trolling his comments for some other chick.

Vaughn:    I could not believe that.Beav:    They found their spouse like they're married.

Vaughn:    Yeah, they're flat out married. I still have the message where it's like, “Hey ManSpot, I have a lot to thank you for your patriotism, but most importantly my wife.” I'm like, what the fuck? "I found my wife through your page, and I couldn't be more grateful to you for making that happen." I'm just like wow.

Alex:    Where's the invite? You didn't go to the wedding?

Vaughn:    Dude I get so many wedding invites.

Beav:    Do you?

Vaughn:    It's cool at the same time, but yeah, I do believe they did give me an invite but they were somewhere in Wisconsin. I should've made it a point to get to that one, but I think I was on the river trip last year when they got married. But at the same time, it's just cool.
Beav:    It's amazing.

Vaughn:    Talk about having some [inaudible 00:50:16]. Just be like, yo.

Beav:    What's up girl?

Vaughn:    How you doing? So you like patriotism?

Beav:    So you're into the ManSpot, me too.

Vaughn:    There you go, Mike. Go see some of the patriotic women followers. Because you know if a woman follows my page, they're a fucking patriot and they like guns.

Beav:    They're badass, for sure. Samuel 50, what is your favorite state and why? You talked about traveling a lot of states and workIng in a lot of states.

Vaughn:    Yeah, I talked about traveling. That's a packed question, but Mississippi because that's where I met my wife.

Beav:    She's from New York originally?

Vaughn:    Yes. We got married in Upstate New York, up by Syracuse to be exact. I owe Mississippi everything, so got to keep it there. But if we're talking about hunting or where to live, I'm one for the mountains. I guess you could say I owe the South, but my heart's in the mountains.

Beav:    Right on. I'm going to look for another question. You guys got anything else to chat about? Surely there's something.

Vaughn:    Yeah, agent of darkness, when did you meet your wife?

Alex:    That was my sophomore, as far as the wife's concerned, sophomore year. We grew up together here on the island.

Vaughn:    I remember you telling me that but for the listeners.

Alex:    She was a grade younger than me. We knew of each other all growing up. But one of her girlfriends went to school with me, and we were hanging out, we were friends. I invited her on my boat, well, I say my boat, of course my father owned the boat, and I was lucky enough to use it. I was like, “Hey, you got some hot girls you can bring on the boat?” Because I'm in college. She's like, “Yeah, I'll bring up my girlfriends or whatever.” My wife was one of the ones that came out and I was like, “Hey girl, what's up?”

Vaughn:    I know you.

Alex:    Somehow I conned her into dinner, and another dinner and another dinner, and now we got three kids.

Vaughn:    The agent of the darkness here can tell you how to get out of the friend zone, and make them the wife.

Alex:    I'm very grateful to she's a friend obviously. I was friends with the one girl and she was friends, invited Emily out. Very grateful to her inviting her out on the boat. Then the next time I was smart, I claimed it was an accident, but I got my boat beached, so she had to miss work and hang out with me for an extra five hours.

Beav:    The tide went a little too fast. Sorry, we're stuck here until the sun comes back up.

Alex:    The tide went out too fast. We're stuck here till it goes out, so now you're stuck and have to talk.

Vaughn:    How long did you wait until after you were married to have a baby?

Alex:    What was that? Four years.

Vaughn:    So you guys got some time together?

Alex:    Yeah, we've been, what are we, moving on 13 years we've been, 12, 13 years.

Vaughn:    Wow. Dang!

Beav:    A lifetime. How did you find out you were expecting the first time?

Alex:    Me?

Beav:    Yeah, or Emily or you know the two of you? Anything.

Alex:    I'm trying to think of the first time we found out. For me the first time it was like, you're pregnant, I almost can't really remember that to be honest with you, because the memory that's so much more vivid to me is I was overseas traveling. I was on FaceTime when she was going to the first doctor visit to be like, are you really pregnant? Everything else. We'd done the pregnancy test. They're FaceTiming me, and they're like look. We were living in North Carolina. My mother-in-law who's a labor and delivery nurse went up to, with her, because she knew that first doctor visit's the one where you like, you were pregnant maybe, miscarriages happened a lot during that time period. She went up there to like just in case, because I'm overseas. We're FaceTiming and the nurse is like, look there's a heartbeat. Well there's two in there. Anything before that, it was a blur, because once I heard that we were having two, it was just like mind blown.

Beav:    Pass out? Asthma attack, get him an inhaler.

Alex:    My father-in-law is a twin, identical so my boys are identical, which is just, freak of nature is how that is described.

Beav:    Super identical, like freakY.

Alex:    He's on the phone, and you hear like in the audio, it's like his car goes swerving off the road to park. He's obviously emotional about the fact that he just found out that they're having twins. I honestly, I can't even really remember when she came out with the first pregnancy stick. All I remember is sitting in that hotel room on FaceTime being like, what is about to happen? I always kidded around that we were going to have twins.

Beav:    You knew that you were aligned.

Alex:    The lineage for twins, if I'm not mistaken, it always goes from the daughter's father. Follow that for me.

Beav:    Sure, her dad.

Alex:    Her dad, big words here.

Beav:    Let's break this down.

Alex:    But because it was identical, it was no bigger risk or not. But I was like, we're going to have twins, it was always a joke. Literally like the day before, because the people I was with at a trade show, I was like, “She's going to the first doctor visit. I'm probably going to find we are having twins.” The next morning they're like, “Do you have twins?” I'm like, "Funny story. Yes we do." I guess it's not how we found out we were having the kids. Everything before that was just blurred out once I heard we were having two. I was like, all right, I just started a new business. I don't know how to handle one child, but now apparently I have to figure out how to handle two. That was just so like life altering news I can't even... I have to really stop and think about when we first told me she was pregnant.

Beav:    I got a funny story. I'll tell you guys my story, because I don't do anything really by the book. Nothing I do in my life is typical standard, anything. I, like Alex, met my wife out on the boat. We were out on a sandbar-

Vaughn:    Man boat people.

Beav:    We live on an island here.

Vaughn:    All right. Yeah, it's the water.

Beav:    We're out at July 4th at the sandbar. It's like 9:00 PM low tide, bonfires on the sandbar, fireworks shooting off all this stuff. I'm out on my boat with some friends, Zack [inaudible 00:56:48] is out on his boat with some friends and his girlfriend at the time, Tatiana, who's now his wife and Tatiana's best friend was Brandy.

Vaughn:    I got to push pause here, and just let the viewers recognize. Our buddy here's a day walker ginger. Notice how he said on the boat, fireworks, so you know it wasn't in blistering sun, and you were burning up. I noticed that, okay, ginger out on the sandbar at night. Okay, good one. I got it.

Beav:    I got to be careful with the sun.

Vaughn:    Continue.

Beav:    I'm like, “Zack, what's up? Who's that? Who's Tatiana's friend?" "That's Brandy.” I'm like, “I need to know Brandy.” We started talking, she didn't want to have anything to do with me. I convinced her over a series of a few dates, some more boating. Then we dated for very short period of time before she told me she was pregnant. I was like, “Okay, life just got interesting.” Again I don't do anything, this is crazy. Thankfully everything's worked out. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Beav:    But I remember when I found out we'd only been dating literally like six weeks. This is crazy. There's hope for some of you out there that maybe had this similar incident. Because we definitely beat the odds. Those are the things that just, things don't work out, whatever. But it's been great. I get home from work one day, and I'm exhausted. I sit down on the couch. She had gotten off earlier that day. She was already home. We make dinner. We're sitting there, we're watching TiVo. You guys remember TiVo? The very first DVR where you could pause live TV.

Alex:    You want to TiVo and chill?

Beav:    Yeah. I was like, yeah, what's up girl-

Vaughn:    Were you guys living together?

Beav:    No, not really.

Vaughn:    Yeah, because that was like six weeks so that's like still new.

Beav:    She just happened to be at the house-

Vaughn:    She's hanging out all the time.

Beav:    Or maybe I'd gotten home and she came over, I can't really recall that part. Anyways, we're watching TV, we're sitting there. I'm just lying there and she's just a couple of heavy...
Vaughn:    We all know what that means.
Beav:    To me it was like, you had a stressful day at work. She worked at a lighthouse here. She was the lighthouse keeper and she worked there for 15 years.

Vaughn:    Boat people.

Beav:    Us boat people.

Vaughn:    I'm never going to get over that.

Beav:    I didn't really think anything in the first one. I noticed it though. I was like, all right, she had a long day at work. Second time, I'm like, “Hey, what's up? Everything cool?” She's like, “Yeah, everything's fine.” I'm like, all right, not going to let it bother me. Then a third one. She's like, so I'm like, “Hey everything all right?” Actually, no, I didn't pause it yet. This is the funny part. I didn't pause it yet. I'm like, “Hey, what's up? You're breathing awfully heavier. What's going on with work today?” She's like, “I need to tell you something.” I'm like, “All right, what's up?” She's like, “I think I'm pregnant.” I'm like, "Huh?"
Beav:    She's like, “I think I'm pregnant. I took a pregnancy test. Okay, I took a lot of pregnancy tests. I think I'm pregnant.” I'm like, “All right, that's cool. We'll figure this out. Don't worry, I'm not bailing on you or anything crazy.” She's like, “I already called the doctor, I've got an appointment tomorrow. We've got to do a blood test. We'll make sure everything's, see what's up.” I'm like, "Okay, back to TiVo." I'm freaking out, but that's how I found out and it was crazy. Nobody really knows that story. Then the second one was like a decision, like, “Hey, Cameron's older now, let's have a sibling. Let's do this, have a second child.” All that kind of stuff. But yeah, crazy.

Vaughn:    That is man.

Beav:    Then the second child is the whole reason that this company exists now, because I got start carrying these early diaper bank the first time, and of course you're happy to do it. But it's like given a choice I'd rather have cool diaper bag, I don't want her diaper bag. Second time around I was like another girl and I was like... I'm going to carry that bag again. Everyone listening has heard this story a thousand times. I feel like that story always comes up. Then we didn't get married until just a couple of years ago. It's the most like not traditional story ever, but it's all worked out and it's awesome.

Vaughn:    I love that story of how it all began because it was meant to be. It was meant to be for how that happened, how you started the business. Tactical Baby Gear in essence would not be unless you had that experience. Not experience, that's your life.

Beav:    That's it man. It's so crazy how things work out.

Vaughn:    I'm just going to say it man, hey, props to you guys for choosing life, man. It's very controversial, but I mean dude.

Beav:    I just saw Illinois up to nine months.

Vaughn:    My gosh.

Beav:    They're requiring insurance companies to cover it. Crazy.

Vaughn:    That's not even America anymore man. That's like China, Japan stuff. It's like, it's not a male, because you hear about all the-

Beav:    Nine months? That's straight murder.

Vaughn:    Yeah, straight murder.

Beav:    That's a child. You can't imagine your child now, had you killed your own child, breaks my heart dude.

Vaughn:    Exactly man. Sorry to put a damper on things. All right, so we were talking about Tactical Baby Gear being made. Okay, are we back? Okay ready?

Beav:    We are. Sorry we had to take a quick break there, ManSpot was getting an urgent phone call. What I was saying was I had posted a story recently, my daughter was graduating from pre preschool and moving on to elementary school and kindergarten this next year. It's an emotional, and having kids just makes you soft. No matter how tough and badass you think you are, or you have been in the past, having kids and for me especially, I feel maybe this is true with girls, but I had a lot of DM saying now it's not just girls. Having kids will make you soft when you start thinking about things like abortion, or you read about things happening to other kids and all this stuff. You're like my God if that was me. You put yourself in that position and all of a sudden you get all emotional. I was like a little teary eyed at the graduation, and you're like my little baby is growing up. It's like you're so proud of them. You just get soft. It's crazy.

Vaughn:    It's almost like it's a part of you that's living on, and you see a part of you experiencing these things and learning and growing. It's just like, you're just like, yes.

Beav:    Yeah, it's bonkers. Then there's that I hate to say this, but my wife's going to, I should probably shouldn't even say this, but it's like, man, we don't have a little baby anymore. You miss that experience of having your little baby. Then you're like, well, it's like a puppy. They don't stay a puppy forever. It's not just have a leather baby to have another baby. There's that part of like, man I miss having these little ones.

Vaughn:    And they give you those little experiences now though.

Beav:    Yeah, it's crazy. Having kids makes you soft for sure, especially when you start hearing those wild stories.

Vaughn:    Protective like a mofo. That's like when we get into hearing about things in the news of what somebody did to a child or whatnot. I'm like, if we put a dog down for hurting a child, we sure as hell better put humans down for doing the same thing, because they know better. Absolutely know what they're doing. That's why-

Beav:    They didn't have these consequences when they were a kid.

Vaughn:    Yeah, exactly right. It goes back to the old school way of things man.

Beav:    That's where it's going. Put a little respect on it.

Vaughn:    Boom.

Alex:    That would fix a lot of problems. Just a little bit more respect for just people in general. I don't have to like you, but you're human, so I don't need to just treat you like crap.

Beav:    I saw something in the news, and this is like headline reading skimming through, but like some state was passing castrating men for-

Vaughn:    It's Alabama.

Beav:    Is that what it was? Did you see that too?

Vaughn:    Yeah, it's like the needle.

Beav:    If you molested a child, they cut your balls off.

Vaughn:    Or they chemically do something.

Alex:    I only headlined, I didn't actually-

Beav:    I just skimmed and I was like-

Vaughn:    That's a step in the right direction. Boom. That's progress in my book.

Beav:    Well, yeah you got to have those harsh consequences to deter people from doing shit. Because if there's no consequence for it, or little or not enough of a consequence, people just keep doing dumb stuff.

Vaughn:    The other day I looked at states that have no death penalty. I looked at that and I'm like, if I'm a criminal, I'm going to one of those states because I ain't going to die. That's obviously I think how humanity is. It's like what's the consequence in what I do? X, Y and Z ultimate penalty death. If I go somewhere where there is no ultimate penalty, it's terrible-

Beav:    Unfortunately I don't think they are smart enough to think that through, but I know what you mean. It's ridiculous, so ridiculous. Is this from the same guy? This is a good question though. Rick Smith 1590. How do you keep from being stuck in a rut in your marriage and parenting life?

Vaughn:    I think everybody has their own struggles. It's a normal thing. Me and my wife, we are just at the constant just grind, grind, grind. She's doing her business, I'm doing mine. We're raising the family, raising the kids. By the time we get in the bed it's just like night, night.

Beav:    Don't talk to me, I'm going to sleep.
Vaughn:    Well, I think it's a designated, you have to do something to designate. I brought up to my wife, “Hey, every Tuesday we should do ax throwing together, where that's just our time.” I think you recognize it. Rick, good on you for recognizing it. Now it's just making a change to just mix it up.

Beav:    Definitely. To that point, to expand on that, and just communication. Communication between you and your wife, or you and the kids, if you're stuck in a rut. Whether then you feel like I'm just not doing the right thing, or this isn't going anywhere. Or the kids are just bad all the time, whatever it is. Just communication with the kids. It's like, “You guys, we've all got to work together. You guys are making this really hard on mom and dad. I need you guys to…” Put things in perspective for them. If they get to a point where they're old enough to understand that, it helps. I've had to have those talks too.

Beav:    I'm like, you getting rained in on a Saturday and the kids are just losing, there's cabin fever. You're like, all right, I'm sitting everybody down like, “You guys, we're going to be stuck in the house all day. Let's not make this a miserable Saturday. Let's figure out something fun to do, enjoyable, whatever.” That's just one example with just communication, whether it's with the kids or your wife of like, “Hey listen, we need some time alone. We need some babysitters for a night. We need to do something.” Just like you said, hey every Tuesday we're going to movie night or we're going to do this whatever. Won't you agree Alex?

Alex:    That's the biggest thing coming off of the kids who are so young, and her nursing them too. It's like obviously you're not just giving a bottle and everything else. Its well, the baby needs you. The baby comes first, but after that it's just been, now it's like when can we just designate time to make sure we work on us? It's not a good place for the kids to be in if the mom and dad in the home aren't happy. It's like you got to focus, and you can't forget just because you put all this energy in your kids, you make sure you put the same energy into your spouse.

Beav:    I experience this a lot even outside of being a parent or a husband, in business. Being in a rut, stuck in a rut, I think the biggest thing you could do is break the pattern. Make a big change somehow. If you're stuck in there, it's like, you need to completely break the pattern of what you're doing to help get out of that rut. A lot of times for me that's a creative rut. I'm trying to think of the next funny video and I'm sure you experience this a lot too, and you're just like, I don't know. You almost have to just break that pattern.

Beav:    Where if it's just completely change your schedule for a day, and do something completely different, just whatever the case is. Travel somewhere, get out of your element, completely change your environment. That will really help get out of rut. We use the same thing in business. A lot of times the business we're just like pounding your head against the wall to maybe try to figure something out, or just doing the same thing for so long that something's got to change to get out of this whatever rut we might be in. Completely change. I think that helps too a lot.

Vaughn:    Recognizing it and I think everybody being on the same page. I've even had the same conversation with my wife. I'm like, “Listen we got three kids under three and a half.” Littles is four now. I remember having this combo it's like, we are never going to be more busy than we are right now with all of them being in diapers. I say all of them, yeah, I had Littles potty trained at one point, but after we had the kids, he noticed, I can get more attention if I stay in my diaper. So he digressed.

Beav:    He outsmarted you. Listen, you know that with kids you are dealing with a domestic terrorist. It's like a constant war. You are at battle with your kids. It's who can outsmart who. Who's flanking who? I need some engineers over here to figure this one out. B Crow one wants to know how many guns you have. Do you have any idea of the actual count?

Vaughn:    I always give people the same answer, not enough, and I don't know. I've never counted them and since I don't know, but that's it gets so tough too, because I have so many guns. I remember one time trying to count my guns and then I sat down and I was like, cool, nice. This was when it was over 100. Then I look up on the mantle and I see my grandpa's gun, and I'm like, “Fuck, I forgot about that gun,” Going to my office I see my other grandpa's double barreled shotgun. I go into my office and boom, there's a shotgun, I'm like ha. It's just, I don't know because I haven't spent that energy counting and finding them all. Which I probably should, I should I admit it. I need to for insurance purposes, but I haven't. I'm always buying at least one new gun, two new guns a week. Sorry.

Beav:    What's your favorite type of gun? Do you have a particular style or flavor of the week or?

Vaughn:    I always say my favorite gun is the one I just bought, so they all get their turn.

Beav:    We don't discriminate.

Vaughn:    But I would say my FightLite Belt Fed.

Beav:    That thing's so sick.

Vaughn:    Because it's just a Belt Fed. As you're shooting it, you can have the Belt Fed just on your arm and you're just like, yeah.

Beav:    Full Rambo.

Vaughn:    You're just like, boom. You can throw a mag in it, and you have the binary trigger on it.

Beav:    It's got a binary trigger?
Vaughn:    Yeah.
Beav:    I did not know that.
Vaughn:    For those of you who don't know what a binary trigger is, it's better than a bump stock. When the bump stock ban happened, everybody was crossing fingers like oh no, what's going to happen to binary triggers?
Beav:    Binary triggers if you're watching the video, you can see my finger, it's like it releases the hammer every time you pull the trigger, and release the trigger, it fires a round. Its boom, boom, boom, boom. Every time you move your finger you get two shots out of it.
Vaughn:    When you get into repetition, you're almost shooting just as fast as full. I know a lot of people who own fulls, and sometimes when they're shooting they're like, “I had to remember if this was binary or full.” Because even when you're shooting full, your finger is vibrating so much. When you're pulling the trigger, it almost feels the same way like you're vibrating.

Beav:    It's super cool. I remember when they first released that and they came out with that. I was like, this is engineering, like awesome sauce right here for firearms. Its super rad. It's technically still semi-auto because it's one movement of the finger is you're firing one round at a time. You're just able to do it a little faster. Really cool.
Vaughn:    Yeah guys, check out Franklin Armory, coming out with some cool stuff. You should check out their new shotgun, which is really, really cool. I'm just going to have you go do the research on that. It looks like a-

Beav:    Okay, that's Franklin Armory?

Vaughn:    Yeah, Franklin Armory out in... Pretty close to Reno, Nevada. It's a bunch of good old boys over there man. It's coming out they're thinking outside the box, which is why I like them.

Beav:    The FightLite being your favorite rifle, what is your favorite... Is it my phone or yours? What's your favorite handgun? You're a 1911 guy, right?

Vaughn:    I really do love my 1911s. I recently just put an STI on layaway, because I think the STI is the equivalent of a Glock and a 1911 getting married, and boom you have the STI. You have the double-

Beav:    It's like in mod or super mod. You do a lot with Kimber, Kimber's a great gun. Travis will attest to this. I don't know if he can hear me over there, but he shot competitive. Trav, come over here. Share this mic with Alex for a second, tell him about your Kimber STI.

Travis:    I'm a bit of a STI, I have a-

Vaughn:    Kimber STI.

Beav::    He's got both.

Travis:    I have a Kimber 1911, the Team Match II, which is the Olympic team 45 and then-

Beav:    You shot competitively with that.

Travis:    Yup. Shot a lot of IDPA single stack class with that.

Beav:    Don't sell yourself short, you won some championships with that gun.

Travis:    Yeah, a little bit. I won more with the Glock. I just shot that longer. Then I got out of IDPA and into IPSC and USPSA and steel challenge. When I did that, I was shooting the Glock for a while, and then I went to the 2011 open STI raceguns.

Beav:    Super high speed.

Vaughn:    Racegun when people hear race, because you're obviously a Porsche guy, you go to a lot of races. Tell us more.

Travis:    The racegun is, this one is a purpose built by STI, it's a factory racegun, so it's got the compensator-

Vaughn:    For those of you who don't know, I did a video about one of these, and I made it seem like it was like a Star Wars blaster, like laser blaster.

Travis:    I called them my master blaster.

Beav:    It's got some high speed stuff on it, you got to bring that on it.

Travis:    It's a shorter barrel. It's a four and a quarter inch, nine millimeter double stack, compensator, lightened slide, bunch of cuts in it.

Beav:    Magwell.

Travis:    Huge Magwell, high-speed. It's got the 90 degrees C-More red dot so it sits lower. It's more, a lot of times when you get these guns with a red dot and open class gun, the optics sits pretty high off the slide. It's a big adjustment because you end up holding the gun too high. Because like iron sights, it's a quarter inch-

Beav:    Right on top of the barrel.

Travis:    A quarter inch above the barrel and above the slide. With an open optic gun it's like an inch and a half, two inches up. It's a big adjustment holding the gun down, and keeping your head up. When you put them on a 90, it brings the dot a lot lower, it's a little bit easier to get into-

Beav:    Splitting the difference between iron sights and a typical red dot.

Travis:    Yeah. It's a lot easier to adjust to.

Beav:    But it'll have not quite like an RMR, but what's nice about your gun is that it's mounted to the frame and not to the slide so the optics' not moving... Like an RMR on a Glock or something else that's moving back and forth with the slide, so it's never in the same place.

Travis:    Right, the dot bounces around a bunch. It's a lot harder to keep up with.

Beav:    Your gun, it stays stationary, the slides moving underneath it and you can keep your eye on it.

Travis:    Right, and it's super fast.

Vaughn:    The future is now.

Beav:    Well it's like that's old though. It's just not mainstream with the high speed tactical guys. This is a competitive competition shooting target gun. No one's carrying that conceal. You're not like [inaudible 01:16:36] carry this open gun with C-more red dots.
Vaughn:    We threw some gun talk right into the baby talk. This is going right in there.

Beav:    This is straight man shit here.

Travis:    This is Tactical Baby, this is how it goes. It's getting there as far as in just like racing. It all trickles down from racing into mainstream consumer level stuff. Especially with STI, STI is doing huge stuff with all these. They're taking all that racegun technology and all the things they've learned in IPSC. STI, it's the statistics it's like 80% or 70% of people shoot a 2011 in the world shoot, in all of these competitions. All the nationals, all that STI's the biggest. STI developed that gun, the double stack version. STI has the monopoly on it, and they've trickled that down into the Carry gun, the DVC Carry, and the Trojans and all these.

Vaughn:    Bringing it to Hollywood, they had the John Wick three contract.

Beav:    Old Taran.

Travis:    Taran built my mags for me. He's been in competition stuff forever and that's what he does. He's brought it really mainstream.

Beav:    Yeah, getting the Hollywood guys in there.

Vaughn:    Going back to the original question, I love-

Beav:    To not get completely carried away from 1911.

Vaughn:    Yeah, I'm a 1911 guy, that's my ride or die. I love the history behind it as well. Also, 1911 was made in Utah. That's where it was developed. Browning, John Browning is in Ogden, Utah.

Beav:    Right there with KFC.

Vaughn:    That's where he made it, boom. We were talking earlier about where the first KFC was and it was Salt Lake City, Utah was the first KFC location.
Beav:    Would never have guessed that. Would have gone, Kentucky obviously.

Vaughn:    I thought it was fake when I first heard that then I thought Kentucky too. But there's plenty of chicken in Kentucky. They were like, no, we don't want a Kentucky Fried Chicken here we are Kentucky. 1911, I love my Kimbers because of the beauty. I don't think anybody out there makes a better 1911 that looks as beautiful as they do, and that's why I have so many Kimber 1911s.

Beav:    I got a few 1911s on the wall behind me, I got a SIG-

Vaughn:    I noticed that.
Beav:    SIG Scorpion 1911 over there, which, I absolutely love that gun. I love that gun.

Vaughn:    I do have that, I have that as well.

Beav::    Then I've got a GSG is actually the other 1911 right there is a 22. That's one that I've kept for a while because I want my kids to learn how to shoot that. It's a great little gun. It's got all the things that you need to learn. It's got a safety, it's like hey, you take the safety off, keep [inaudible 01:19:15], then there's 22. An eight year old isn't going to have trouble shooting it, but they get to learn on a 1911 with all the proper stuff.

Vaughn:    I love the history just behind the 1911. It's like when you want American history-

Beav:    When you want to talk about Americana and all that stuff, like 1911.

Vaughn:    When you see the memes about Kimbers this or that, and it's like, well they've been around for so long, and that's known as grandpa's gun. I got my 1911, it's all I need.

Beav:    It's a great gun. It's awesome. They're like, they're a work horse for sure. Get one or two more in.

Alex:    Well talking about just daily parenting, do you get these texts too? I just got one from my wife. My son just dropped a load in the toilet.

Beav:    Good for him.

Vaughn:    Victory.

Beav:    Hey, give him a lollipop or something.

Alex:    Victory.

Beav:    Three M&Ms.

Alex:    We give them marshmallows.

Beav:    You're on the marshmallows now?

Alex:    We stopped giving the M&Ms for the number one. We're trying to close the deal on number two. Do you get that too, just like a normal work day? Is that normal conversation for you?

Vaughn:    Yeah, dude. I'm so upset because I had my son already potty trained. Then when he digressed I'm just like, well I'm not home to help out with this so this is on you ladies, to stay on top of him.

Beav:    You're working and you're traveling, you've been traveling a lot this year.
Vaughn:    A lot this year.

Beav:    Since January at SHOT Show and then it's just been-

Vaughn:    It's been go, go, go.

Beav:    You and I were in Vegas together four times at the beginning of the year racing and everything else.

Vaughn:    Here we are, we're back.

Beav:    I was like, geez. You were doing more hunting in California in between that. You were doing all stuff, so I know you haven't been around as much.

Vaughn:    I know people are just like well, they're probably thinking in the back of their heads, well you weren't seeing your family as much in your old job what's the difference right now with you being as busy right now? Like the double edged sword, but it is like when I am home, I can be home. Right when we took our bathroom break, I was able to FaceTime the fam the kids, everything. Anytime they want to see me now, I make it that's the-

Beav:    You can turn down trips, you can say I don't want to travel and do that.

Vaughn:    Yeah, exactly.

Beav:    You can stay home, you don't have to travel. It's something that's needs to be done from time to time. I think right now you're still in hustle mode and trying to-

Vaughn:    Get established. Then in like two weeks we are going to be taking our oldest to California. He and my wife and sister-in-law, they're going to do the Disney [inaudible 01:21:50] thing. I don't do that thing because of crowds, but they're going to be able to take him. I can now take quality time with my kids versus minimal time.

Beav:    Right for sure. Here's a good one speaking of that. Well first of all, 1776 they're an apparel company, are you familiar with 1776?

Vaughn:    Yeah.

Beav:    Actually you're wearing a 1776.

Vaughn:    Love their designs. Great guys.

Beav::    He wants to know who can run faster. I don't know why he wants to know.

Vaughn:    Dude, me all day long.

Beav:    I'm definitely not running anywhere. You got a bad knee too?

Vaughn:    Yeah, tore my meniscus.

Beav:    I got too much hardware in my leg to do much running anymore. I think that leaves Alex for probably the fast runner here.

Alex:    Not after my breakfast. Maybe by now I'm carved up for the run.

Vaughn:    Now that I know the history of his knees, he can probably run faster.

Alex:    Yeah. I did the whole soccer thing.

Beav:    I think we can end it on this question. This is from VanillaGorilla_96. He asks, what's one piece of advice for a first time father in one month?

Vaughn:    Vanilla Gorilla.

Beav:    Vanilla Gorilla.

Vaughn:    Great name, I like it.

Beav:    One piece of advice for a first time father.

Vaughn:    When I found out I was going to be a dad, I told myself flat out, I am going to be involved as much as possible with my baby boy, and I'm going to give my wife her time. I think you have to mentally get in the state that you need to take the relief off your wife as much as possible so they keep their sanity. If she keeps her sanity, it's going to be a happier marriage, and you're going to create a bond with your newborn baby that you normally wouldn't. But you have to put yourself in that mindset beforehand, and it's just going to be overall better for you, the relationship with your baby, your wife. You're also taking on more of the responsibility of being a father right off the bat versus a provider. I think there's a difference between the two.

Beav:    That's a good point. Good big bind shift between provider and father because anybody can be a provider. It takes special thought process I think to be a father, and really like you said be involved big time so that's a good one. I tell people that are like soon to be fathers, sleep now. Sleep as much as you can before the baby's born because the first several weeks are brutal. Then babies sleep, I say it's brutal, and they sleep so much when they're newborns, but there's also a lot of like, they're up every couple hours to be fed. If that means you need to help mom with something because she's breastfeeding, if she's not breastfeeding, you're doing formula.
Beav:    Take turns, do all these things, don't just put it on one person or the other. But then because the baby does sleep a lot, take advantage of that and sleep while the baby's sleeping. Aside from getting other things done around the house. Someone's got to do dishes and someone's going to do laundry. Those things need to get done still and you need to work. If there's some downtime and you can actually take a nap and sleep for two hours while the baby's sleeping, take advantage of it, because it's going to be a whole long few months in the beginning.

Vaughn:    Even right now I would say be selfish and do your hobbies, do everything. Get traveling out of the way. Not out of the way but enjoy it. But just realize your life is about to change forever, which is a good thing.

Beav:    It doesn't have to be a negative thing, it's just changing.

Vaughn:    Exactly. It's just a new chapter in your life. Right now, just take those nice long moments alone on hikes or whatever or with you and your wife, make sure you get as much dating time in with your wife right now as possible. Go out to bars, go on the bar scene, just you two together. Just so you have those extra memories that are going to be a little more difficult to have when you have kids. It just complicates things when you have kids and-

Beav:    Those memories, and then you'll have new memories.

Vaughn:    Better memories in my book. But I would also say as a prepared farther, I did skin to skin with my first and second born. That's literally when the baby is born and your wife is like sleeping, take the baby and take your shirt off and just cuddle with your baby, just so it's skin to skin.

Beav:    Nestled it up right in that beard.

Vaughn:    They say it really creates a bond between you and the baby and the father. Because babies sense smell since they can't really see too well. But then when you do get them and they're upset, they'll remember that skin to skin or that smell, and it calms them down more. Sorry.

Beav:    Little nugget. No, I like it. That's good. Something that we haven't really talked about at all.

Alex:    To me it's just the patience thing in a sense of like, because there is no manual like we've talked about, you're going to get into situations that are completely out of your comfort zone. Just got to remember that you're not the first person going through that experience. If you need to just take a step back sometimes, and realize this kid's crying freaking out, you don't necessarily know how to take care of them, but just do the best you can and just not get too upset with yourself or your spouse, the mom. Just take a step back and try to have some patience especially if you're very sleep deprived and everything else. Because that was the thing that on day number two for us in the hospital, they're both crying at the same time and you're like, are they getting enough? Are they eating enough? You're just freaking out because you're in that protective mode. Now all of a sudden you're like, if I sneeze wrong this child's going to die. Those crazy thoughts that go through your head.

Vaughn:    You put the baby to sleep and you're like, “Are you going to wake up?”

Alex:    Exactly. I guess to me it's just remembering that you're not alone in that sense. Just do the best you can, and just try to breathe and take a moment when you're stressed because everything's so foreign and new. But that's just part of the growing, it's [crosstalk 01:27:37] being a dad.

Beav:    It'll teach you to learn to operate under pressure for sure. I think I'm pretty good at that.

Vaughn:    A little saying that helped me, just when being a new dad and I had my baby, was man up and be a dad.

Beav:    100%. Cool. I think that's a good place to end at, man up and be a dad quote from TheManSpot. Guys, thanks for watching and listening. We really appreciate it. I hope you enjoyed this episode. ManSpot thanks for being here. Thanks for being on the show.

Vaughn:    Thanks for having me. I love being a part of the Tactical Baby Gear family.

Beav:    For sure. Guys, make sure you subscribe to wherever you're listening so that you get notified on the next episode, and we will see you guys there.

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