You want to know if dads need a diaper bag? Yes. The answer is yes.
A lot of articles that pose that kind of question in their title might make you read all the way to the end before you get the answer, but not this one. For now, let’s skip all that, because this is important: dads need a diaper bag.
Why? Well, it’s simple, really. Because you’re a dad, for goodness sake!
And you’re not some distant, hands-off father who hands the baby over to mom when they need to be changed. You’re in the thick of it. You’re getting your hands dirty. Sometimes really dirty.
When that kid wakes up in the middle of the night, you’re there. When they have a meltdown at a movie theater, you’re there. When they need to be changed in the bathroom of the nearest Starbucks, you are there!
A strong case could be made that not only do dads need their own diaper bags, but they deserve them. Here’s why.