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How I Turned My Home Office Into a Nursery

Hey guys, it’s Beav! I put off starting on the nursery as long as I could, but with Brandy’s baby shower coming up, I had to get started. So, we buckled down and were actually able to finish it in just an afternoon. We’re really happy with how it turned out! With Hannah being girl #3, we had to improvise a little bit to find some space for the nursery.

Unfortunately, that meant the home office had to go. I didn’t want to do anything too drastic since this won’t be permanent, but there were some obvious changes that had to be made for the room to work as a nursery.

Brandy found a great crib on Wayfair that helped us get a nice theme for the room. We ended up going with a sort of pink and gold that turned out really nice. I’ll link what we found throughout the blog. I’m not compensated for this, but I hope it gives you some ideas. In general, we took a “less is more” approach.

The first thing we had to do was address the lighting. For an office, the natural lighting was perfect, but of course that’s not going to work for naptime. We found some great curtains that really did wonders for darkening the room and should also help keep it cooler doing the hot South Carolina summer.

For the oddly sized window, finding a shade was a bit harder. I wasn’t completely thrilled with what we found, but it turned out really nice. It works with the room and does a great job of keeping the light out. It will also be easy to roll open if we want to let a little bit of light in.

Since the floor is hardwood, we had to get a rug and were able to find one that worked well for the room. We found the one we used on Wayfair, but I unfortunately don’t see it there now, so it may not be available anymore. They do have a lot of great deals on other rugs, so if you’re interested, check that out and see what they might have for your floorplan. It won’t matter as much at first, obviously, but once she can start sitting up and crawling a bit, Hannah will appreciate it.

For the crib, Brandy really fell in love with this gold one from Little Seeds. After putting it together, I was pretty impressed with it as well. I think it will hold up well, and it was really nice for the price. I was able to find a matching changing table, which was important to me because I’m OCD like that. They have a bunch of other items available for kids of all ages, so definitely check them out if you have a room to update sometime soon.

So that’s it for the new nursery! As you can see in the video, Hanz, our German Shepherd, was very interested but not quite helpful. Poor guy is getting older and is in for a rude awakening with a baby coming into the house again.

Setting up the nursery has made things feel super real to me. With the due date just a couple weeks out, we’re rushing to get everything set up, but we can’t wait to welcome Hannah to our home. I just hope she likes her room!

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