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When it's Time to Say Goodbye - TBG PODCAST EP 025

tbg podcast Episode 025


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This episode starts off with the news that Beav had to say goodbye to one of the family dogs of 16 years. Moxie was a there for it all; Beav’s first apartment, his first house, bringing both kids home from the hospital, the start of Tactical Baby Gear, and so much more. But the worst part? Trying to explain to two little girls what it means to take a sick dog to the vet, and not bring her back home. How do you relate the complexity of death to a child? Hear how Beav did it, and let us know if you have any tips on this down in the comments. 

Meanwhile, Alex is trying to figure out how to start letting his kids help in the kitchen and take on more responsibility. His OCD about a clean house has been a struggle for him to overcome. Alex feels it's an important life lesson for his kids to be able to help and contribute around the house, even though that may mean there is a layer of flour dusted across the kitchen. 

Doing and failing is the best way to learn most things - both Beav and Alex have started to give their kids freedom to make mistakes and allow them to “figure it out” on their own after being told how or not to do something.. This is a great way to build trust and have your kids learn dad most of the time does know best, and if dad says he is going to do something, he will follow through and do it. Doing what you said you were going to do is especially important when it comes to discipline and rewards. You can hear a lot more on this in Episode 022 with Dakota Meyer.

All of this and some more great conversation on this Episode of the Tactical Baby Gear® Podcast.

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