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This is Getting Way Too Difficult - TBG PODCAST EP 035

Tactical Baby Gear Podcast Episode 35


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February seems to be spring time now here in the south, which means pollen(aka yellow death) covers everything and people start sneezing. Alex trying to be proactive and start regular doses of anti allergy medicine, caused and allergic reaction… How do you get an allergy to anti allergy medicine??? Alex tries to explain…you will want to hear this.

Beav recaps the King of the Hammers trip, which started off pretty bad at the airport. Travis started feeling sick just before boarding the flight, and the call was made for him to stay behind and Beav to make the trip solo. Good thing, because it turns out Travis had the Flu and was about to infect everyone, not to mention being stuck in the desert for a week sick.

Thankfully the rest of the trip out there was fairly successful, a little bit of drama with the rented RV, but that was the worst of it. Vaughn ( @THEMANSPOT) along with John and Nate of @ImpulseOffRoad had good starts to the race and were able to get much further before mechanical failures took them out of the race.

Coming back home, Beav’s favorite airline, American Airlines, once again delayed his flight leaving Vegas, which caused him to miss his connection in Dallas, and causing him to be a day late getting back home to his kids and wife. He is beyond over being stuck in airports every time he flies out West and tries to come back home.

We also get a pregnancy update on kid 4 from Alex.

All of this and a ton more on this episode of the Tactical Baby Gear® Podcast

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