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The Weekly Dump | Operation Disney World Begins Ep. 019.1

It’s a rite of passage for everyone living that dad life: at some point you’re going to pack up the family and head to Walt Disney World. 

Beav’s starting off summer by taking the girls down to the Magic Kingdom, and on the way to the land of the $12 cup of Sprite, he raises a good point about teaching kids about money. When is a good time to start teaching kids the value of a dollar? Check out Beav’s thoughts, then let us know your own online.

Finally, the gang arrives at Disney. Follow the family on their adventure and you’ll pick up tips on what you can and can’t take through security (it’s basically an airport), how to get the most out of your FastPass and (unfortunately) what to do when it rains.

Yes, some days it rains on the Magic Kingdom (every time Beav goes there, for example), but that’s all the more reason to be prepared.

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